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How do I access a copy of the Standard?

Caravan Industry Association of Australia has an access agreement with Australian Standards distributor (Intertek Inform – formerly SAI Global) that provides access to the Electrical installation standards AS/NZS 3001 series, as well as an additional 200+ standards relevant to the industry. 

If you are an accredited business with Caravan Industry Association of Australia, you can access the standard by registering and completing an agreement. To register for this access, copy and paste this link – https://fs23.formsite.com/CRVA1/form64/index.html?1515731290050  into your browser and complete the online form.  We will contact you and arrange for access.

If you are not an accredited business with Caravan Industry Association of Australia but are a member of your State Association, please complete the online register – https://fs23.formsite.com/CRVA1/form64/index.html?1515731290050  and we will contact you with pricing options to gain access.

If you are not a member of any Caravan Industry Associations, the standard can be purchased individually by visiting the Intertek Inform store – https://www.intertekinform.com/en-au/search/standard/ or contacting Intertek Inform direct on 131 242.